Amazon Seller Central
Step 1: Go to and select login from the right side at the top.
Step 2: Enter log-in details (Email and Password) and click Sign in
Note: Tick in the box in front of “Keep me signed in. Details” if you don’t want to fill in the log-in detail again on the same browser.
Step 3: Enter the 6-digit OTP number sent on the registered mobile number.
Step 4: Select marketplace and click on “Select Account”
Now you have successfully logged in and you can access the dashboard
Step 1: Move the cursor on the “Inventory” menu item and select the “Add a product” from the drop-down menu.
Step 2: Click on the link “I’m not adding a product not sold on Amazon” below the search box.
Step 3: Search for a category in the “Search for a category” input box and select the category from the search result.
Step 4: Create a new SKU for the product.
Note: All the required fields are highlighted in the red color so you have to fill all the red blank fields.
Step 5: Go to the Product Identify and fill all the required field which is highlighted in red color as
Item name: – Enter product title
Brand name: – Docpain or TravelBuddy as product belongs to under which brand name.
Item name: – Name of an item or product e.g. Travel Pillow
Model number: Create a model number or get it from your manufacturer.
Model name: Model name of a product
Manufacturer: Pleasure & Pain Ink Inc.
After filling in all these details make sure no field should be left in red color-highlighted and click on the next tab “offers” from the top of the menus.
Step 6: Go to the Offer tab and fill all the required field which is highlighted in red color as
Quantity: How much quantity do you have in your inventory?
Your price: Enter your selling price
Offering condition type: Select new from the dropdown list
List price: Your MRP price
Fulfillment channel: Keep this on on I will ship this item myself (Merchant fulfillment) and later we can change to Amazon fulfillment if we would require.
Now click on the next tab “Product details”
Step 6: Click on Product Details tab and fill all the required field which is highlighted in red color as
Product description: Write your product description here.
Bullet points: Enter the key bullet point of a product.
Generic Keyword: Enter your product keywords.
Fill all the required red highlighted color fields and now click on the next tab “Safety and Compliance”
Step 7: Click on Safety and Compliance Enter all the required field which is highlighted in red color as
Country of origin: In which country the product is made or the owner country of the product. E.g Canada
Step 8: Click on the “Images” tab and upload images.
Note: Images should be in the square – 1500 x 1500 px
Step 7: Click on Shipping Enter all the required field which is highlighted in red color as
Number of boxes: How many boxes will be shipped in a single shipment. E.g – 1, 2, 3 ..
Step 7: Check all the tabs whether all the red marks are gone or not if you see any red marks then go into into that tab and filled the red highlighted field and then click on “Save and finish” button.
Note: As per Amazon’s guideline, it will take approx. 15 min to update or create your new listing.
Step 1: Click on the Help menu located right side at the top.
Step 2: Click on the “Or, browser for your issue in the menu” link below the Get support heading.
Step 3: Select the related menu in the left side
Step 4: Select the “Other FBA issue” from the right-side buttons.
Step 4: Describe your issue in the input box and click on the “Continue” button.
Step 4:
- Scroll below and enter a short description about your issue, ASIN of a product is you want to give these details otherwise leave these blank.
- Select the EMAIL option in the contact method tab menu and enter your email and phone number.
- Click on the Send button to create a case.
Step 1: Click on the Help menu located right side at the top.
Step 2: Click on the “Or, browser for your issue in the menu” link below the Get support heading.
Step 3: Select the related menu in the left side
Step 4: Select the “Other FBA issue” from the right-side buttons.
Step 4: Describe your issue in the input box and click on the “Continue” button.
Step 4:
- Scroll below and enter a short description about your issue, ASIN of a product is you want to give these details otherwise leave these blank.
- Select the EMAIL option in the contact method tab menu and enter your email and phone number.
- Click on the Send button to create a case.
Step 4:
- Follow the same steps as we did to create a case before and click on the Phone button under the contact method form box.
- Enter the phone number and select country
- Click on the Call me now button
Step 1: Go to the inventory and click on the Edit button given at the end of the product list.
Step 2: Go to the Product identity tab menu and click on the Edit button given at the end of the Item type keyword.
Step 3: A popup will appear. Search for a category and select.
Step 4: Click on Save and finish button.
Step 1:
- Go to the Inventory.
- Select the products or check the box just before the product name.
- Click on drop down button located in right side of search box and select “Send/replenish inventory” from the dropdown menu.
Step 2:
- Click on the link Ship from another address below the Ship from heading if you want to send inventory from any other place.
- Select marketplace if you want
- Enter the total number of units you want to send to the Amazon FBA warehouse.
- Click on the “Ready to pack” button just below the Quantity to send
- Click on the link Print all SKU Labels to generate the barcode for the product.
- A popup will appear and select the Print button to generate the barcode.
Note: This barcode will have to be pasted on each unit that are you sending to Amazon warehouses.
Step 3: Click on the cross icon in the popup box and click on the Pack individual units button to on the next step.
Step 4:
- Select any one option in Picking information
- If you are going to send one box with multiple units then select “Everything will fit into one box”
- If you are going to multiple boxes with multiple units then select “Multiple boxes will be needed”
- Click on the Confirm button
Step 5: Enter the total number of boxes you are going to send and click on Open web form to enter the box details.
Step 6: A popup will appear for box information. Fill in all the details of boxes like weight, dimensions, and the number of units in each box and click on Confirm packing information button.
Step 7: Click on Confirm and continue button.
Step 8: Select the date for your shipment.
Step 9: Select shipping carrier if Amazon carrier service will not be available in your area or location and click Accepted charges and confirm shipping button.
Step 10: Print the outer box label by clicking on the Print button.
Step 11: Click on Proceed to enter tracking details
Step1: Hover mouse over the inventory menu and select Manage FBA shipment from the dropdown menu.
Step 2: You can see all the shipments here and Click on the Track shipment button given right side or below the next step to track the shipment.
Step 1:
- Go to the inventory
- Select the product
- Click in the drop-down field just below the Manage inventory heading
- Select Print item labels
Step 2:
- Enter the total number of barcodes or labels you need in the right side input field.
- Select the paper size. e.g – A4, A3, etc.
- Click on the Print Item Labels button
- You will get a pdf sheet with barcodes
Step 1: Go to and enter the Username and password.
Step 1: Move the cursor over the products menu on the left side and select Add New menu.
Step 2: Enter the product name.
Step 3: Scroll and Fill in all the details as
- How to use
- Ingredient
- Benefits
- Size – Product size
- Product short description
Note: Leave the first field blank just below the product name field
Step 4: Scroll down and go to the Product data tab.
Click on the left tabs menu and fill the data
- General: fill in the Regular price and sale price for a product.
- Inventory: Create an SKU for a product.
- Shipping: Fill in product weight and dimensions.
Step 5: Select a category or create a new one located on the right side.
Step 6: Upload product image
- Product image: Main product image
- Product Gallery: Other images of the same product.
Step 6: Click on Publish button.
Step 1: Click on the All product
Step 2: Move cursor on any product to which you want to edit and click Edit link below the product name.
Note: Quick Edit link is for editing the product in a quick way without moving to another page like Title, Slug, SKU, Price, Category, Dimension, Weight, etc., and click on the Update button to update product details quickly.
Step 3: Now you can edit product details and click on the Update button
Step 1: Move the cursor over the WooCommerce and select the Customer menu
Step 2: Now you can get information and customer lists.
Step 1: Click the Categories under the Product menu.
Step 2: All the existing categories are listed on the right side.
- Fill the field to create a new category.
Name: Enter the category name
Slug: Slug of a new category
Parent Category: Select None if the new category is individual or parent. Select a parent if you want to create a sub-category.
Description: Enter category description
Thumbnail: Upload an image or icon for a category if you want to upload.
Step 1: Move to on Payment option in left side of menus and follow the following menu items as..
- Overview
All the payment details are given under Overview
- Deposits
See all the Deposits and Withdrawals.
Click on the list to see the Payment processing.
- Transaction
See the details of payment and customer information about the payment.
Step 1: Go to Orders
Step2: Click on any existing order to whom you want to generate an invoice
Step 3: Generate an order by clicking on the PDF invoice button right side.
Note: You can generate invoice for only completed order.